by Kitty Cat Now Milwaukee | Jul 30, 2020 | Stripper
At long last Baseball has finally returned! 2020 has been an unprecedented year that’s for sure! Most of us are simply happy to have live Sports finally return beginning with Baseball. However, in a typical MLB season there are 162 Games per team. This year there’s...
by Kitty Cat Now Milwaukee | Jul 23, 2020 | Adult Entertainment
Has life seemed ultra boring lately? Do your days seem to dwindle on like countless seconds on an unforgiving clock? Since you’re Not spending money on sporting events, concerts or any live events you might as well spend that hard earned entertainment money on the...
by Kitty Cat Now Milwaukee | Jul 17, 2020 | Pool Party
Has Your Summer Game Gone Stale? If you’ve always Considered yourself quite the entertainer throwing memorable BBQ’s and backyard blowouts for all your nearest and dearest. Now only to just simply sit and watch these beautiful summer days go by the sidelines. Have you...
by Kitty Cat Now Milwaukee | Jul 9, 2020 | Boat Party
There’s nothing quite like self imposed isolation that makes you long for the brisk nautical air. That seems to envelop every part of you; the solace one finds on the open water Is an experience few can describe in mere words! At Kitty Cat Now we’re of the belief any...
by Kitty Cat Now Milwaukee | Jul 2, 2020 | Bachelor party
Are you looking to celebrate this Independence Day with a bang? It’s America’s Birthday, the time to pull out all the stops, patriotically speaking. This year, before leaning back in the lawn chair to witness the night sky implode with a series of colorful...